In this series:
Mitsubishi Movemaster Joint Tracking: Part 1 – Concept
Mitsubishi Movemaster Joint Tracking: Part 2 – Communication
Mitsubishi Movemaster Joint Tracking: Part 3 – Joint Tracking with Matlab
Okay I’m not going to type a bunch out here, but I will go ahead and just post the joint tracking video and Matlab code I used. This is using a Kinect for XBox One
clc clear imaqreset delete(imaqfind) pause(2) % Create color and depth kinect videoinput objects. colorVid = videoinput('kinect', 1) depthVid = videoinput('kinect', 2) % Look at the device-specific properties on the depth source device, % which is the depth sensor on the Kinect V2. % Set 'EnableBodyTracking' to on, so that the depth sensor will % return body tracking metadata along with the depth frame. depthSource = getselectedsource(depthVid); depthSource.EnableBodyTracking = 'on'; % Acquire 100 color and depth frames. framesPerTrig = 200; colorVid.FramesPerTrigger = framesPerTrig; depthVid.FramesPerTrigger = framesPerTrig; % Start the depth and color acquisition objects. % This begins acquisition, but does not start logging of acquired data. pause(5); start([depthVid colorVid]); % Get images and metadata from the color and depth device objects. [colorImg] = getdata(colorVid); [~, ~, metadata] = getdata(depthVid); % These are the order of joints returned by the kinect adaptor. % SpineBase = 1; % SpineMid = 2; % Neck = 3; % Head = 4; % ShoulderLeft = 5; % ElbowLeft = 6; % WristLeft = 7; % HandLeft = 8; % ShoulderRight = 9; % ElbowRight = 10; % WristRight = 11; % HandRight = 12; % HipLeft = 13; % KneeLeft = 14; % AnkleLeft = 15; % FootLeft = 16; % HipRight = 17; % KneeRight = 18; % AnkleRight = 19; % FootRight = 20; % SpineShoulder = 21; % HandTipLeft = 22; % ThumbLeft = 23; % HandTipRight = 24; % ThumbRight = 25; % Create skeleton connection map to link the joints. SkeletonConnectionMap = [ [4 3]; % Neck [3 21]; % Head [21 2]; % Right Leg [2 1]; [21 9]; [9 10]; % Hip [10 11]; [11 12]; % Left Leg [12 24]; [12 25]; [21 5]; % Spine [5 6]; [6 7]; % Left Hand [7 8]; [8 22]; [8 23]; [1 17]; [17 18]; [18 19]; % Right Hand [19 20]; [1 13]; [13 14]; [14 15]; [15 16]; ]; trackingIndex = []; trackingIncrement = 1; for i=1:framesPerTrig if(sum(metadata(i).BodyTrackingID) ~= 0) trackingIndex(trackingIncrement)=i; trackingIncrement=trackingIncrement+1; else disp("yup") end end metadata = metadata(trackingIndex); colorImg = colorImg(:,:,:,trackingIndex); colors = ['r';'g';'b';'c';'y';'m']; hfig = figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]) % % % % Overlay the skeleton on this RGB frame. for j=1:size(metadata) anyBodiesTracked = any(metadata(j).IsBodyTracked ~= 0); trackedBodies = find(metadata(j).IsBodyTracked); nBodies = length(trackedBodies); colorJointIndices = metadata(j).ColorJointIndices(:, :, trackedBodies); imshow(colorImg(:,:,:,j)); for i = 1:24 for body = 1:nBodies X1 = [colorJointIndices(SkeletonConnectionMap(i,1),1,body) colorJointIndices(SkeletonConnectionMap(i,2),1,body)]; Y1 = [colorJointIndices(SkeletonConnectionMap(i,1),2,body) colorJointIndices(SkeletonConnectionMap(i,2),2,body)]; line(X1,Y1, 'LineWidth', 1.5, 'LineStyle', '-', 'Marker', '+', 'Color', colors(body)); end hold on; end drawnow tmp = getframe(hfig); colorImg2(:,:,:,j) = imresize(tmp.cdata,[1280 1920]); hold off; end mov=immovie(colorImg2); implay(mov);
Mitsubishi Movemaster Joint Tracking: Part 3 – Joint Tracking with Matlab